Joan Tello
Vives Studies: A Review of the Field

Journal: Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance
Issue: 85/2 (p. 475-535)
Year: 2023
ISSN: 0006-1999 / 0067-7000.
Publisher: Librairie Droz.

The aim of this article is to survey the most important scholarship from the sixteenth century up to our present day in order to study the life, the works, and the thought of Valencian humanist Joan Lluís Vives. A detailed bibliography, which includes the most recent research, is given in the Appendix.

Keywords: bibliography, humanism, scholarship, Vives.

Online access  |  The article is available here .

Joan Tello
El aforismo como recurso didáctico en Joan Lluís Vives

In: Beatriz Bossi (ed.), La relación socrática maestro-discípulo: transmisión y transformación. 
Pages: 133-145.
Publisher: Guillermo Editor.
Year: 2023
ISBN: 9788418981593.

You can visit the website of the publisher here .

Joan Tello 
Vives’s Views on Law: Key Notions in the Aedes legum

Journal: Journal of Catalan Intellectual History
Issue: 12 (p. 25-45)
Year: 2019-2020
ISSN: 2014-1564
Publisher: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / Institut d'Estudis Catalans

Renaissance humanist Joan Lluís Vives explained his views on Law, its origin, its elements, and its corruption mainly in the De disciplinis (1531). However, he had already outlined some relevant key notions in early works such as the Praefatio in Leges Ciceronis (1514) and, especially, the Aedes legum (1519). The aim of this article is twofold: on the one hand, to provide the reader with a succinct introduction to the latter work and, on the other hand, to identify some of its key concepts and describe their meaning.

Keywords: Humanism, Law, lexicography, Renaissance philosophy, Vives.

Online access  |  The article can be downloaded here .

Joan Tello
Els límits del raonament i les possibilitats de la fe en Joan Lluís Vives

Journal: Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia
Issue: 30-31 (p. 83-92)
Year: 2019-2020
ISSN: 1130-4383
Publisher: Institut d'Estudis Catalans

La present comunicació planteja breument una qüestió filosòfica que és força present en les obres de l’humanista valencià Joan Lluís Vives: els límits de la raó per a comprendre el món i les possibilitats de la fe i de la religió com a eines per a superar aquesta limitació. Amb la finalitat d’il·lustrar i reflexionar sobre aquesta qüestió, hom pren com a punt de partida una obra eclèctica, Introductio ad sapientiam (1524), i tot seguit s’analitzen en detall alguns textos i pensaments extrets del De disciplinis, De anima et uita i De ueritate fidei Christianae.

Paraules clau: coneixement, fe, límit, raó, religió, saviesa, (Joan Lluís) Vives.

The limits of reasoning and the possibilities of faith in Joan Lluís Vives.

The present paper addresses shortly a philosophical question that is very present in the works of the Valencian humanist Joan Lluís Vives: the limits of reason to understand the world and the possibilities of faith and religion as tools to overcome such limitation. In order to exemplify and reflect on this issue, an eclectic work such as the Introductio ad sapientiam (1524) is taken as a starting point; then some passages and thoughts extracted from De disciplinis, De anima et uita, and De ueritate fidei Christianae are thoroughly examined.

Keywords: faith, knowledge, limit, reason, religion, (Joan Lluís) Vives, wisdom.

Online access  |  The article can be downloaded here .